Topsoil Suppliers Knutsford

We Use a Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) approved seed mix from an STRI approved seed supplier.

We pre-treat our grade 1 arable land to eliminate any weeds and foreign grasses, we then rotovate and plow the land and level off to a fine fluffy tilth ready for seeding. which we apply at around 20% above the suppliers recommended rate.

Once Turf is established we start our mowing feeding and spraying plan, turf is mown at around 22mm creating a dense sward of lush fine fescue and resilient dwarf rye grass

We harvest Turf fresh for delivery usually around 3 - 5 am in the morning, strangely we find that it harvests best at this time especially in the height of summer when there is some dew lying on the ground.

Turf is stacked onto wood pallets and netted so it can breathe before being loaded onto a tractor and trailer and transported to our yard where it is quickly loaded on to delivery vehicles and transported to the end user for installation.

Looking For Turf & Soil Fast In Knutsford, Lymm, Macclesfield. Wilmslow, Crewe or Northwich?

Grade 1 Cheshire Topsoil

Premium Lawn Turf

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